Thursday, October 2, 2008

Where is the off button?

I've been trying to stay away because so many people write about the election, the bailout...and you know I have my opinions on that too...

I actually have some advice, nothing new right? lol

Right now honestly the best thing people could do is turn the crap off. The media is making more out of everything than what it really is. I mean if they send you into a panic..they win.

And it's that simple. My mom has been ranting for weeks now..we are both unemployed and it's a mess. People here in the area I live in...alone...there has been almost 2,000 that have lost their jobs are in the process of losing their jobs by the end of this year. Now if that doesn't make you sit down and think...I honestly don't know what will.

If you want to know what has happened to the economy...hell they sent everything overseas. And believe me it isn't helping with the immigration the way it is here. Hell I went to work for the Chinese...look where that got me. I've never been laid off of a job, I've been working since I was 16 yrs old...legally that is....hell I was probably around 8 or 9 yrs old working with my mother at home.

I think America just got too greedy..I think they forgot what it is like to be self sufficient...and America is based on working folks. If they don't work they don't eat. It's been they way since they found it.

I mean now you get food from all these different places...we don't know what we are eating. It started by putting the American farmers out of business...and look how that has turned out...when your food gets recalled..WAKE UP YOU GOT A PROBLEM.

I really think one of the solutions to our simple..make everything here..don't bring it in from other places...don't buy it from other countries. How hard is that?

Make the people who come here to live, live like Americans...your here pay taxes, just like everyone else. You got so many days....not months....not years..days to get your papers in can become a citizen or leave.

Stop being every one's friend...I mean these countries don't want us there..bring our men and women home...put them around our borders and protect us. They get into trouble..oh well, they don't want us there.

I really think it's time to sit down..and just take care of ourselves...although honestly I think it's too late for that. And we have no one to blame but ourselves.

As for the bailout..well, what are they going to do when the companies they are bailing out still fail.....

I actually asked my banker that today...because here is the facts...

People aren't working so....
1) they aren't buying goods
2) no work, you can't pay your bills
3) if you aren't working you can't save any money
4) if companies are out sourcing the work to other countries...people here without jobs can't buy it when comes back.

so tell me how is bailing out going to help that much? I mean it isn't stopping them from sending our jobs away. When companies like Dell are having to close...Your banks are crashing...or having to switch owners...what does that say to everyone?

I mean I bank at Wachovia...who got bought Monday...the government can only do so much....and the fact is when the companies go broke...the government is going to go broke too.

My state borrows money to pay it's bills....the counties have dried up...and they don't really have the money to pay these companies to try to get them here...and when they did it still didn't work....look Dell they paid them a ton of money to come to the area...and they are looking at closing that facility now...but if they do they have to pay the towns back.

But because of all of mom is sitting around 24/7 watching the damn news...and is going crazy...while we were at the bank today she started talking about all this stuff..I looked at her and told her....the best thing for you to do is turn the switch to off. And surprisingly the banker agreed. I don't watch much of the news...I mean think about it..they never report anything good..only the bad is depressing..I guess all this time I was complaining about watching Nickelodeon and Disney with kids, I should have been thankful..because I do know where the off switch is...and I will avoid a lot of this.

And lately, I've been walking away from the computer..because it is everywhere. I choose to buy American...hopefully by next year...I will be eating nothing but what I grow...and I think it's time to get back to the basics. And like everyone else it's only an opinion...but I am beginning to think America needs to put America first.

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